Grand Junction and Surrounding Areas in Mesa County Property Taxes
If you are considering moving to the Grand Junction area, it is important to know about Mesa County Property Tax Assessment and how taxes are calculated.
Real property must be revalued every odd numbered year. The actual value of real property is based on its value as of the appraisal date which is June 30th of the year prior to the reappraisal year.
Residential property may be valued using only the market approach to value. In this approach, the value of the subject property is based on an analysis of comparable sales to predict the price properties would have sold for on the appraisal date.
The assessment rate on residential properties in 2018 is 7.96%. The mill levy has been at 0.0796 for 2017 and 2018.
Actual Value X Assessment Rate X = Assessed Value
Assessed Value X Mill Levy = Property Taxes Example: Actual Value $275,000, Residential Assessment Rate X 0.0796 = Assessed Value $21,890 Tax Rate X 0.075541 = Taxes Due $1635.59
The actual value assigned to residential properties is based on sales that occurred in the eighteen-month period from January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Those sales indicated the market conditions in various parts of Mesa County, and the market value of specific types of properties. Five years of sales activity are analyzed for those types of properties that are few in number or of an unusual situation.
- For tax years 2017 and 2018,the assessor must use a minimum of the comparable sales between January 1, 2015, and June 30, 2016. However, the assessor is authorized to include and analyze additional sales that occurred up to five years preceding June 30, 2016, adding sales in six-month increments .
- The Colorado Constitution requires that a specific relationship be maintained, on a statewide basis, between the value of all residential property and all non-residential property. Initially, this resulted in a residential assessment of 21% with a non-residential assessment of 29%. Non-residential assessment remains at 29%, while the residential assessment is set by the legislature every two years to maintain this relationship and is currently 7.20%.
If you need more information on Mesa County property tax, please call Mesa County Treasurer 970-244-1824