If you spend any time on the internet looking for homes to buy or wondering what your home is worth, you may encounter a YouTube real estate agent.
The YouTube videos may give you 5 minutes of entertainment, but that is about it. There isn’t really any substance or actual facts that can be verified while the host holds a selfie stick, reads a script and gyrates around in snippets from one location to another.
Selecting a real estate agent follows the same guidelines no matter how you come in contact with the agent. Choosing the right real estate broker or agent involves asking questions about their experience with the local market and your kind of property.
- Probe their experience. Ask, How many homes have you sold this year, and how many did you sell last year?
- How long have they been a real estate agent? Are they a full time agent or do they do real estate as a side job?
- What is their investment in their real estate education? How many and which designations have they earned? This answer shows their commitment to being a professional.
You should also quiz a real estate broker on their marketing plan, methods of communication, past references, and connections with other real estate professionals.
Be sure to hire a professional who’s full-time, full of suggestions, and has a personality you can relate to. The answers you receive from those three questions should be all you need to decide if you want to work with that real estate broker.
If you want 5 minutes of entertainment, then watch their videos. If you need in-depth information, market reports, photos, maps etc., then search your local real estate agents websites.